This website is intended as a data entry system and information source for clinicians using Bone Morphogenetic Protein products in their clinical practice.
It is NOT a source of patient information.
This website was designed and is maintained by the Academic Orthopaedic Trauma department of the University of Leeds.
Current users should login for further access or to enter data.
Potential new users can apply for access via the registration page.
Further information is available within the website or by contacting a member of the administration via the contacts page.
Since the discovery of agents within bone that could induce bone formation at ectopic sites by Urist in the 1960s, bone morphogenetic proteins have been extensively studied. Pre-clinical research has been carried out showing the efficacy of these products in the promotion of bone healing. Clinical trials are encouraging with results usually revealing equivalent or better rates of healing than treatment with autologous bone grafting in both elective and trauma procedures.
Pre-clinical and clinical safety assessments have revealed little evidence of toxic effects and there have been few reports of adverse events related to their use. A small rate of immunological reaction following administration, resulting in anti-body formation, has been observed in some patients, without clinical consequence. Ongoing research is revealing that BMP's act on an extremely wide range of body tissue in a variety of manners and this is far from fully understood. Until the long-term safety profile is more fully documented it would seem sensible to continue to carefully control use and monitor patients closely.
This website has been set up to form a registry and research tool to monitor BMP use in the UK and Europe and to collate data on complications and outcome. We would welcome input from orthopaedic departments currently using these products. To enter data please register following the link above. Full access to the compiled databases is available to registered users who enter data for audit and research purposes.